ABN-Lookup.com.au - the better ABN Lookup tool

Team Evenly - Nov 24, 2022 - Evenly News Product Updates

Evenly is continually building out our suite of products and services that help you better understand who you're doing business with.

Sometimes they provide deep insights - such as in the case of PayPredict.

Sometimes they provide simple, but useful, tools - such in the case of our new ABN-lookup.com.au site.


Yes. The Commonwealth Government's Australian Business Register already has its own ABN Lookup tool - https://abr.business.gov.au/.

As regular users of that tool, though, we felt there were UI improvements that could be made (not a big suprise when talking about government-built sites). As the underlying data was avilable via the ABR's own web services we had a go at building a new search tool that has the things we thought we were missing.


1. Easier to use results

How many times have you found an ABN only to have to then remove the spaces to enter it into a field. So annoying.

Our results come without spaces and with a copy button to simplify the use of the ABN.

2. More entity details

Sometimes you just want and ABN, sometimes you want a little more. We provide more contextual information about an entity's location. We're also in the process of adding in additional information such as company status, where applicable, to save you having to check ASIC registers as well.

3. Australia's first high-level risk data available for free, for everyone!

Evenly has risk data on every entity in Australia. We had a chat internally and though "Why not make some of that available to everyone?". This is a game changer as there is no other location you can get this information for free.

We really are committed to helping everyone better understand who they're doing business with so this seemed like a logical thing to do

4. Free GST and ABN Check tool

Most people don't realise you have to check the ABN status of every supplier for every invoice and, if they charge GST, you're supposed to check their current GST registration status at the time of invoicing too.

Failure to do so can result in having to amend BAS/Tax Returns and possibly even ATO fines.

We made a dead-simple tool to let you check ABN and GST status in bulk on thew new site.

We're going to continue working on this site but for now we hope you can use it as you're ABN Lookup tool of choice and that it can make your life easier when searching for business details.

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