About PayPredict Customer Reliability.

PayPredict Customer Reliability is a new way to segment your customers to understand their short and long-term impact on your business goals.
There are 4 categories of customer under the PayPredict Customer Reliability model: Elephants, Cats, Pigeons and Termites
Below is an overview of what each means. To get a full list of customers in each list, head back to your PayPredict Dashboard and click on the View Details button in each category.
Your most reliable customers, now and in the future. These customers will help you build a growing, resilient, business.
Strengthen your relationship
Reliable short-term but may not be reliable in future. They're great to play with now, but don't expect them to be around later when you need them.
Bring forward any planned product sales or services work.
Unreliable now but they'll be around later, as expected. Pigeons have the potential to become Elephants. They just need a little guidance (we can help you with that.)
Use PayPredict tools to improve short-term transactional reliability without jeopardising your longer-term relationship.
Your worst customers. They have the potential to destroy your business so you need to deal with them ASAP.
If you can, consider dropping them as customers. If not, consider changing payment terms and manage VERY closely both directly and via PayPredict's tools like automated reminders.